Radiation Exposure in Orthopaedics in Argentina
Main Article Content
Materials and Methods: This was an analytical, observational, cross-sectional study based on an online survey conducted among orthopedic surgeons in Argentina between September 2020 and October 2021. The survey included 18 questions collecting sociodemographic, professional, and occupational data related to the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy, radiation protection measures, and knowledge of radiation exposure risks.
Results: A total of 919 responses were collected. Nearly half of the participants (48.7%) reported using fluoroscopy more than once per week. However, 73.9% were unaware of their actual exposure time, 60.5% did not know whether protective equipment was regularly replaced, and only 10% reported using a dosimeter. The most commonly used protective device was the lead apron, yet only one-third of respondents used thyroid protection. Training in ionizing radiation was deemed insufficient, with 97% of respondents expressing interest in receiving formal education on the topic.
Conclusions: There is a need to raise awareness among orthopedic surgeons regarding radiation exposure. Most surgical procedures lack adequate radiological protection, and there are no mandatory training programs, standardized protocols, or monitoring systems in place.
Article Details
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