Medium-term results of the rotary hinged prosthesis in total primary and revision knee replacement.
Main Article Content
The aim of the study was analyse the clinical and radiological mid-term outcomes of 34 rotating hinge knee arthroplasty.
Materials and Method
We study 34 hinge knee prostheses. The indication for surgery was in the setting of primary surgery for 10 patients (29.5%) and in setting of revision for 24 patients (70.5%). The mean age was 78.5 years (range 54–85 years).
The mean follow-up was 6.5 years (range 2 -12 years). The range of motion achived was 110º of flexion (range 70º – 130º) and 5º of extensión (range 0º-20º). The Knee Society (KSS) Score improved from 38 in the preoperative to 82 in the postoperative. Radiolucent lines around the femoral or tibial components were observed in 8 patients (23%). Five out of 34 (14.7%) patients developed complications. Three (8.9%) developed a deep infection. Two (5.9%) developed patellofemoral complications. Prosthetic survivorship for revisión was 94% at 6.5 years. Prosthetic survivorship for aseptic loosening was 100%.
Moderns rotating knee hinge provides good results in terms of function and pain relief with a low rate of aseptic loosening. However deep infection and septic loosening are frequent.
Article Details

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