Combination of taping with Back School in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial

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Andrés Tana
María Amelia Matesa
María Eugenia Catini
Vanesa Ruiz
Marisol Laiz
Ramiro Gomez
Guillermo Peker
Cecilia Quiroga
Mayra Reinoso
Valeria Ormaechea
Marianela Abadie
Fernanda Gabriela Di Gresia
Juan Nadur
Carolina Fournery
Laura Bigatti
Julieta Paula Gomez
Sabrina Perez Cabrera


Introduction: 70-85% of the general population suffers from back pain. Back School programs have being effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain. Taping may be useful in reducing pain and normalizing muscle function. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combination of taping with Back School at short- and long-term.Methods: Randomized controlled clinical trial. The experimental group used tape and made Back Scholl and the control group only made Back School. At the beginning and the end of treatment, pain was evaluated with a visual analogue scale, the flexibility determined with the Modified Finger Tip-to-Floor Test and functionality was calculated with the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire. Depression was recorded with the Depression Beck Inventory just at the beginning.Results: 220 patients were enrolled, only 42 in the experimental group and 33 in the control group completed the treatment. The variation of pain between the first and the fifth session showed no differences between groups regardless of time (p = 0.329). There were no differences between groups in functionality (p = 0.75), flexibility (p = 0.20) and depression.Conclusion: The combination of taping and Back School compared with only Back School was not more effective in reducing pain, increasing functionality and flexibility in patients with chronic low back pain.Key words: Taping; chronic low back pain; spine school; therapy exercises; flexibility; depression.


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How to Cite
Tana, A., Matesa, M. A., Catini, M. E., Ruiz, V., Laiz, M., Gomez, R., Peker, G., Quiroga, C., Reinoso, M., Ormaechea, V., Abadie, M., Di Gresia, F. G., Nadur, J., Fournery, C., Bigatti, L., Gomez, J. P., & Perez Cabrera, S. (2016). Combination of taping with Back School in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Revista De La Asociación Argentina De Ortopedia Y Traumatología, 81(4), 250-257.
Clinical Research
Author Biographies

Andrés Tana, Hospital Fernandez

Ex Jefe de residentes de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

María Amelia Matesa, Hospital Fernandez

Ex Jefe de residentes de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Titular de Guardia Instituto de Rehabilitación

María Eugenia Catini, Hospital Fernandez

Ex Jefe de residentes de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Vanesa Ruiz, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Argerich

Marisol Laiz, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Argerich

Ramiro Gomez, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Guillermo Peker, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández

Cecilia Quiroga, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Mayra Reinoso, Hospital Fernandez

Ex concurrente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Valeria Ormaechea, Hospital Fernandez

Ex concurrente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández

Marianela Abadie, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández 

Fernanda Gabriela Di Gresia, Hospital fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Juan Nadur, Hospital Fernandez

Ex Jefe de residentes de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Ramos Mejía

Carolina Fournery, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández, Suplente de Guardia Hospital Fernández

Laura Bigatti, Hospital fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández

Julieta Paula Gomez, Hospital Fernandez

Ex residente de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández

Sabrina Perez Cabrera, Hospital fernandez

Jefe de residentes de Kinesiología del Hospital Fernández


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