Bosch percutaneous osteotomy. Does the patient accept the nail? Clinical and functional analysis and short-term result

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IntroductionHallux valgus is a common deformity of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Its percutaneous surgical treatment is a demanding procedure that involves a long learning curve and constitutes a challenge for the surgeon.MethodsRetrospective cohort study. Seventy patients with hallux valgus operated on with percutaneous Bösch technique. Intraoperative characteristics and hospitalization, functional results according to AOFAS score and discomfort with the use of a Steinmnann pin for osteotomy fixation, and radiological results were evaluated. The average follow-up was 12.8 month.ResultsThe Steinmann pin was used for an average of 31.44 days. Eighteen patients showed discomfort with the Steinmann pin in the postoperative period, but they said they would turn to operate with a similar surgical technique. However, three patients who were dissatisfied said they would not be operated with this technique.ConclusionBösch surgery and the stabilization of the osteotomy with a Steinmann pin is an effective solution for the treatment of hallux valgus.


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How to Cite
Arzac Ulla, I. R., Fiorentini, G., & Perez Paz, G. (2015). Bosch percutaneous osteotomy. Does the patient accept the nail? Clinical and functional analysis and short-term result. Revista De La Asociación Argentina De Ortopedia Y Traumatología, 80(4), 260-265.
Clinical Research


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